Finding the perfect wedding ring, why compromise?

So you’re getting married? Congratulations! Now it’s time to start planning; the venue, the food, the music, the rings… ”oh the rings, what do we choose?! There are so many options out there and we don’t want the same as everyone else…”!

Chances are, if your betrothed is a traditional romantic, you won’t have had any input in your engagement ring (hopefully it’s just perfect though). However, the wedding ring is a different matter. You can go nuts (budget depending) and have the ring you’ve always wanted! But there’s a snag, nothing you’ve seen so far is just right; it is either too wide, or too plain, or just doesn’t sit with your engagement ring. You know it must be out there somewhere, but you’ve only got six months to go and you’re running out of time…! Don’t panic, just breathe! That’s where we come in because we can make anything your heart desires!


Seriously though, it can be stressful looking for the perfect rings; knowing what you want and what is possible, what won’t break the bank, as well as what will ‘go’ with the beautiful ring you already have, without making it look too much or detracting from it in anyway. A wedding ring should not only enhance your engagement ring but should also look great on its own, and with the little details we can add (the secret engraving, or the stones to signify the years you were together before you got married) you can make your ring truly yours.

The same goes if you don’t have an engagement ring. Why compromise? If you want to add a little detail, some stones, or a texture then why not? After all it's your ring, why settle for what other people think you should have?!

Wedding rings are one of my favourite things to design, the love and emotion that goes in to them is really special and I feel so privileged every time a couple commission us to make their bands. So, how do you do it? Well, it starts with a simple chat, normally over a cup of coffee (or glass of water if it is as hot as last week), where we discuss your thoughts and ideas and I get to know your likes and dislikes. We have loads of sample rings for you to try on, to give you an idea of what is possible, and once you have decided on the vague design the real fun can begin. We can start incorporating the details which will make the rings uniquely yours; the song lyrics written inside the bands, the tiny birthstone of your child, the engraving that only makes sense when both rings are together, did you know that we can even add your fingerprints on to the metal?


A wedding ring doesn’t always need to be ‘jazzy’ (as my grandmother used to say), it can be a simple, elegant band, which can say enough without adding anything else. Sometimes it’s all that you or your engagement ring needs, but until you try some different styles on how will you know?

Whatever you choose, make it yours, after all this is an important decision. You will be looking at that little ring for the rest of your life, as it quietly reminds you of the day when you both said ‘I do!’


Ready to come and have a chat? Head over to our Contact Us page to find out how you can get in touch. If you’re still not sure, you can read my blog posts about an engagement ring commission (by clicking here) and why I think it is so special to have something bespoke made (by clicking here).

If you have any questions then feel free to give us a call or send us an email, we are always more than happy to chat things through.

Look forward to seeing you in West Malling soon!

 Clare X